Monday, October 25, 2004

Fat People Suck

I hate fat people. No... seriously, I hate them. Now, I know that some of you are thinking that what I just said is just a tad harsh. Fine. If no one in the world disagreed with me, then there would be no one in the world to be wrong. Fat people are bringing this country down. I saw a lady in Target the other day who was so fat she had to ride around in one of those electric carts. You know the ones I mean: they've got a little stupid damn basket on the front for them to put their best friend in, whether that friend is Sara Lee, Little Debbie, or that stupid Twinkie guy. They ride around in those carts, honking at us able-bodied pedestrians who actually contribute something to society besides empty foil wrappers and carbon dioxide.
I've heard that lame-ass excuse about their weight problem being "glandular." Total crap. Hey fatty: the only gland you've got a problem with is your mouth. Shut it for a few days in a row, and maybe then you'll have enough blood flow returned to your already-half-dead brain to realize that you're wasting your life away, one deep-fried oreo at a time.


Blogger Vaughan said...

Christopher Reeve didn't fall because of "the man" telling the general American public that it's cool to ride horses. He fell because the horse threw him. It was a risk he was fully aware of, and willing to take. Same with people getting fat. They're not that way because of somebody else. They're that way as a direct result of the things that they eat and the amount of activity in their daily schedule. Personal responsibility is the ONLY kind that is pertinent to this issue. The responsibility of others is another issue entirely. Biased? You bet I am. But, and let us never forget this, the simple quality of being biased does not by necessity make a person wrong. Neither does just calling him biased.

12:32 AM  

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