Wednesday, January 26, 2005

As Effective As A One-Legged Man In A Butt-Kicking Contest

NASA is, by far, the most useless government agency EVER. What have they actually done for us? Nothing! What advances have we made in any of the sciences because of the "contributions" of NASA? I'll tell you: ball bearings and a pen that writes upside-down. That's it! And the pen thing was developed as a novelty in the first place! Really, the only thing we have a use for on Earth that NASA has had a hand in creating, is better ball bearings. So, if you ever go to a grocery store and get a cart that DOESN'T wobble or constantly turn in one direction, thank NASA for that, because it wouldn't even happen that often if NASA didn't exist. So, after the decades of research and the trillions of dollars that have been dumped into this useless program, all the "brilliant" minds at NASA have bestowed upon us lowly peons is the ability to write a note from the BOTTOM OF A TABLE. That's it. So thank you, NASA, for making yourselves such an easy pick for "worst government mistake EVER."


Blogger John said...

Your consumer arrogance in posting shows no respect for such pivotal human innovations as the "Regenerable Biocide Delivery Unit."

While I'm certainly a fan of much of NASA's work being evolved over to the private sector, I think a better candidate for "worst government mistake EVER" would be some of the geniuses over at the INS or Amtrak.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Gwen Mayo said...

I am not sure why you find NASA the most useless government agency, but I can put at least a dozen others in front of them on the chopping block. What advances have we made in the sciences because of NASA? Where to begin, aside from the ball berrings, and pens that write upside down, there is the microwave oven, freeze drying processes, velcro, just to name a few. For every dollar we have put into the space program America has been repaid ten times over. What other agency gives you that kind of return for your tax investment?

2:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money can't buy knives!


2:43 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

None of those inventions were developed BY NASA. They were appropriated later for use by NASA.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

John- Amtrak was bought by the US government, it wasn't started by government workers and...INS? Are you kidding me? At least they have a purpose that, in theory, serves the people of the US.

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Velcro saved my life! Thankyou NASA.

-The Man Who Can't Tie Shoes-

11:07 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Wow. Forgot about that one. You just may be right, Chris.

11:02 AM  

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