Friday, February 18, 2005

Is That Normal?

A few days ago, I was walking down the stairs at the UCCS library, hands in pockets. As I neared the bottom of the stairs, a horrible thought struck me: What if I were to trip and fall flat on my face? I don't think I'd have time to pull my hands out of my pockets in time to keep from knocking out five or six teeth. Then I'd get up and try to find the teeth while cupping my hand underneath my chin to catch the dripping blood. OK, I know that's not a normal thought to have, but what about this one: I was instantly more worried about what people would say to me and whether or not they would laugh at my disgusting bloody mess than I was about any sort of physical pain. Is that a normal thing? I don't think it is. Most people would probably be worried about getting the teeth back in or how badly it would hurt. Not me. I think I've discovered something. I could totally take Woody Allen's place as the most neurotic man in America as soon as the little guy dies. THAT, my friend, is a dark side.


Blogger Kristi said...

Nice "When Harry Met Sally" reference :) I would be thinking the same thing too though - so I don't think you're alone. I find myself constantly worrying more about other people's reaction than how a certain something would directly affect me.

12:12 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Sweet. At least if I'm not normal, I'm still like someone else.

9:59 PM  

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