Thursday, February 17, 2005

Shirt Of The Day

There's a guy in my Critical Thinking class who, I swear, has a different shirt set aside for each day, with the cycle repeating exactly over the course of one week. I'm totally not making this up. I first noticed it a few weeks ago, and since then I have been keeping track of the shirts he wears on the two days I have that class. (I wouldn't normally notice something like this, but he sits in front of me EVERY DAY.) He's got two different shirts that I've seen every Monday and Wednesday for as long as I've been paying attention. That's just plain gross. I'm not big into clothes at all, but at least I have enough shirts to last me more than a seven-day cycle. Maybe if he just mixed it up a little by wearing them inside-out or backwards, I wouldn't care so much. Or maybe he could place duct tape strategically in places on the shirts to make a new "design." Something. ANYTHING. I'm just so sick of seeing nothing but his nappy hair and his stupid Hurley shirt every day. I'd buy him a shirt if I thought he'd actually change his schedule, but something tells me he likes it that way. Maybe that's the only method he has for determining what day it is.


Blogger Jess said...

Guys need to be like girls, who have enough clothes in their closet that they don't re-wear an outfit for at least a month. This also means no laundry has to be done. It's great.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

If guys spent that much money on clothes, well, let's just say women would be paying for their own stuff on dates far more often than they do right now.

9:58 PM  

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