Thursday, February 10, 2005

That's Just Not Right

I was sitting in class today when I noticed something really strange in the corner of my eye. It wasn't something I thought I'd ever see in a class on a college compus. The guy two seats down from me had his arm in his pants up to his elbow. He was repeatedly shoving his hand down there, and I finally realized that he was tucking his shirt in. Now, I don't understand that at all. It was pretty much in the middle of class. He didn't have anywhere to rush off to afterward. I know because he stayed behind at the end of the class to speak with some of the other members of his "team" for an upcoming project. He didn't stand up in front of the class at any time. There was really no reason for him to need his shirt tucked in at that moment, but he was tuckin' like there was no tomorrow. I wouldn't normally make a big deal about this (I think), but what put it over the top was the fact that he was wearing a cap that had some restaurant's name on it, and I'm not talking about one of those purposefully weathered caps you can get from American Eagle. This was a cap that had a BUCKLE on the back. I mean, Sam Jackson would look like a nerd in this thing. NO ONE could pull it off, but especially not this guy. I don't know where he's from, but I don't think the "tucked in plaid shirt and a backwards gift hat" look is popular anywhere right now. He was so sad looking, I almost wanted to kill him to put him out of his misery. He'd have thanked me in heaven.


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