Monday, October 24, 2005

Real Men

I heard a radio PSA about domestic violence or some such crap a few days ago. I can't quite remember all of it, but I used my handy-dandy digital voice recorder to remind myself of at least one bit. The thing ended with some woman saying, "Real men don't hit." I want to hit this woman. Real men hit ALL THE TIME. Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwartz... Shwarts.... that governor guy, Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Lee, Hulk Hogan... They all hit people. And they're men. Case closed. Thank you. And now, for my next trick, I shall levitate a small marmot. While hitting that woman in the face. I highly doubt they were able to make that recording in a kitchen, which can only mean one thing...


Blogger Vaughan said...

Or if she burns the meatloaf.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

Well, if she burns the meatloaf at least she was in the kitchen...unless it burned because she left the kitchen.

7:45 PM  
Blogger MZ said...

Ouch Andrew, couldn't you just avoid this topic? I am a real man. I hit all the time; I do not hit women. Why would you chose a topic that has no winner, for if I hit a women, I commit an assault, but if I do not strike women, am I therefore not a man? You got yourself in a hole, good luck finding a way out. I will toss you a shovel, keep diggin'.

As Bad As I Want To Be,


11:02 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Zach, for you, the question is irrelevant. You're not a man no matter what you do.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I can't believe the series of comments this post has sparked. It was supposed to be one of those throw-away posts I did on a lark. Jeez, guys. It's just a joke...

10:16 PM  

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