Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Worst Show Ever

I accidentally watched a few minutes of an episode of Sex and the City last night. I want my five minutes back. They would have been more effectively spent if I'd used them to practice throwing cashews into my sleeping brother's open mouth. I couldn't believe how bad the show was. I don't mean "bad" as in, "those people are going to hell for saying that on tv." No, what I mean is, "I'm stupider for having watched that" bad. I really think my IQ dropped a good ten points after I watched it. The writing was awful, but what really stood out to me as even worse than the writing was the acting. It was, I kid you not, the most poorly-acted show I've ever seen. I've watched high school drama class plays in which some of the actors don't want to be there and only took the class because they'd rather act than sing or play an instrument or draw a picture for their art requirement, and every one of those plays was better acted than this episode of Sex and the City. It was like there was this big pile of vomit, and then that pile of vomit took a crap, and then some retarded guy tried to describe that crap to another retarded guy, who wrote down what he heard, and then that description got picked up and mistaken for a tv script, and then that script was made into a show by a group of lobotomized clones of Forrest Gump. That's how bad the show was. Or, put another way, it was as bad as an episode of Stacked.


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