Saturday, November 05, 2005

Art? No, It's Mental Vomit.

After being asked what my "job" is and responding that I am a writer (which is like calling a kid who tripped over an exposed dinosaur bone a paleontologist), I was asked if I wrote "for real," or if I was a poet. I couldn't have put it better myself. Writing poetry takes as much talent as does a crossword puzzle on the back of a box of Honeycomb. It's like submerging a crucifix in a bottle of urine and calling it "art." Oh wait...

And anybody who says they like poetry is either lying or stupid. Having a favorite poet or poem is like having a favorite kind of cancer. Especially that free verse crap. Walt Whitman was a giant tool. He was the McG of poetry. Or the Cher of poetry. But of course, movies and music can be entertaining, which really destroys the analogy. I'd rather eat a bucket of Donald Trump's hair than ever read another poem again.


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