Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Quite A Juxtaposition

I was sitting in class today, getting psychologically prepared to ravage yet another comm test, and I saw a guy walk into the classroom with an "I voted" sticker on his hat. Good for him. He sat down just one row away from me. On the other side, there was a girl filling her friend in on whatever had happened on the last episode of "Laguna Beach." What amazed me was the ravenous way in which the girl ate up every new, juicy bit of information concerning these stupid kids and their scripted lives.

I was just sort of struck with the stark contrast of interests represented by the guy sitting to my left, absentmindedly thumbing through his notes, and the girl on my right, who cares more about the faux-reality programming about some kids she's never met in real life than her own circumstances. Sad, really. I mean, sure, it's sad when people care too much about tv shows and don't seem to care enough about "real life," but it's REALLY sad when the show in question is dumber than a sack of wrenches.


Blogger Vaughan said...

That's why you gotta either learn to settle for the ones with the great personalities, or learn to just deal with all the drama.

9:13 PM  
Blogger MZ said...


Gentlemen, why do you bother yourselves by attempting to get into the female psyche? I have been trying for years to understand women and why they do what they do. It boggles my mind as to why women talk so much, why they drive so poorly, why they eat so much chocolate and complain about being fat, why women fantasize about guys and do nothing about it, why women’s fashion seems to have a lifespan of one season, why women wear such tight pants, why they like to shop for no reason at all, why, why, why? Men have tried to figure the female species out for years... we have failed. Let’s just give up and enjoy them. Women are fascinating. I like them, but by I do not understand them. Beautiful, mysterious, fun, weird... The female kind is fantastic. We men need not worry about trivial things like Laguna Beach, unless like Darnlick, we are under the influence. Well, I am going to stop before I lose your attention. Ohh, women...



11:50 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I'm not trying to figure women out. I'm trying to figure out that stupid show. Half the cast is male. I have all I really need figured out about women anyway. That is simply this: smile and nod when they're telling you a story, no matter what they say DO NOT treat them like "one of the guys," and resign yourself to the fact that you'll never win an argument with them. EVER.

12:15 PM  

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