Sunday, April 09, 2006

In This America

I was taking my time, chillin’ at Borders the other day (because I'm just so cool), and I happened to notice something disturbing. There were twice as many books in the GED test prep section than there were in the LSAT test prep section. Businesses know exactly how much of a product or line to stock, so it's not like Borders has no idea what they're doing when it comes to stocking test prep books. This means that the market for books that teach you how to take and pass a high-school equivalency test is twice as big as the market for potential law students. There are tens of thousands of people every year who take the LSAT, and that's only presumably about half the number of high school dropouts who feel that their current jobs as clerks at dry-cleaning facilities are somehow less than fulfilling. That is about as depressing as an Arab who thinks that this time he'll be able to get through airport security without the hassle of a "random" full body search. Keep dreaming.


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