Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thought of the day 07/26/08

While scouring the Internet in search of a very specific techno song over the past eight or nine days, I have come to the shocking realization that techno songs and their myriad remixes have, by far, the stupidest titles in the history of everything. "That was DJ Fart on a Kracker with his newest hit, 'Raped in the Eardrum (Coagulated Blood Spatter Remix)'. Up next, we're burning up the airwaves with a slick new track from DJ Postmortem called 'Lik My Shoes (Uptown Bitch Lightsaber Version)' followed by Milquetoast Groin Pull's classic, 'Acid Zkull (Hot Coffee Enema Remix)'." I suppose such aggressive titles are meant to make up for the fact that the DJs themselves are computer science majors with bacne and eczema.


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