Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Big Three

American People: Hey, Big Three, your cars are crap! Honestly, we'd rather drink lighter fluid than even look at a Chevy Malibu. And also, your unions are corrupt, and they're bringing you down from the inside.

Big Three: Fair enough, but you guys totally owe us from decades ago when our cars were decent and we weren't bleeding market share like a stuck pig. Remember the Mustang? We did that.

American People: Who cares? Is a '63 'Stang gonna pay my gas bills? Stop just throwing every retarded idea your designers have against the wall just to see which ones will stick, and come up with cars that we'd actually consider buying!

Big Three: Or, instead of actually making us work toward success like some sort of, like, "company," or whatever, why don't you guys just give us the money to stay afloat so we can support our bloated unions for another year before we collectively declare bankruptcy?

American People: Well, hells yeah, we can do that! Why didn't you say that in the first place?


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