Friday, December 17, 2004

What Does It Say On your Badge, Moron?

I hate to admit it, but I am quickly losing respect for police officers. No, I didn't get a ticket, it's ok. It says right on their badges that their job is "to protect and serve." Who exactly are they serving by forcing honest, upright civilians to go to court over a broken taillight? Who is protected by their amazing ability and privilege to turn on their sirens just so they can get to Krispy Kreme faster? I'm so sick of this corrupt former public service turned elite good-old-boys club. Apparently, our new plan is to keep Americans safe from criminals and terrorists by forcing them all to go to traffic court all the time. If we're in the courtroom, apparently the terrorists can't win. How hard is it to become a cop, anyway? "OK, welcome to your first day of this three-day training period. Today we'll practice ticket-writing, tomorrow is the donut-eating seminar (bring your own milk), and day three will be 'how to arrive ten minutes too late.' Then, you'll all be Colorado Springs' finest."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish that it weren't so, but I have to agree with you. The CSPD pisses me off in a lot of areas. One day a friend of mine and I bought big red rubber balls from wal mart - because they're so awesome! - and naturally we needed to go out that night and take pictures downtown with our big red balls. Around 11pm we came across an obviously intoxicated woman trying to get into the bank. We called the police and for this one drunk woman they sent the following: Two police cruisers, One Police SUV, Two K-9 units, 5 Police officers, followed by two bicycle cops, a fire truck with 8 firemen, and an ambulance with two medics. The medics were the only ones that actually did anything - they picked up the woman and took her off after the cops had been there for over 2 hours doing nothing. That being said, I do know a few cops in town that are true heros, and I know several firemen who are. But for the most part, I agree.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Wow. That's amazing. I guess there's just never enough crime in this town, so they have to focus on watching drunk women and writing upstanding citizens speeding tickets.

11:40 AM  

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