Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm Done With Doing... Things

I get so tired of doing the regular, everyday stuff we have to do... well, every day. Routine stuff is just so boring. I don't want to do it anymore. I don't like clipping my nails, taking showers, going to the bathroom, getting haircuts, buying clothes, washing clothes, eating (well, sometimes), drinking, cleaning my glasses, cleaning my room, making my bed, going to school, or brushing my teeth. I'm just so tired of doing the same things over and over again. Personal maintenance is so overrated anyway. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't want to end up sitting around, not going anywhere, just watching tv, eating ice cream, and lounging in my own filth. (I mean, come on. I'm not a girl.) But still, it would be nice if I just gave up taking showers or something. I'll just hang air fresheners around my neck and tell girls "that's the way a man's SUPPOSED to smell" while puffing out my chest and bragging that I don't wash my clothes. Hey, this is Colorado; I'm sure I can find some earthy chick that would go for that sort of thing. Or maybe I'll give up going to the bathroom. I'll see how long I can go before I either give in or explode and die. Yeah. I'll teach those Buddhists what REAL concentration is. Then again, maybe, just for a change of pace, I just might START making my bed. I think I'll begin with that one and work my way up...


Blogger Kristi said...

My brother tried the not going to the bathroom thing once. He was on a Boy Scout camping trip, and well, didn't like the idea of not having a bathroom with running water to do his business - he was kind of a pansy growing up. Anyhoo, he was in A LOT of pain and ended up going to the hospital for some intestinal and bladder problem. So I suggest you not try that. Just a suggestion though. And what's with the "I mean, come on. I'm not a girl" comment, eh? ;)

10:39 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I would give up the cleaning of your glasses. See how long it takes until you can't see a damn thing. It would be amusing.

11:46 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Kristi- I'm surprised you weren't more angry because of that "I'm not a girl" comment. I thought I'd get a comment from every female that read it saying they'd want to string me up (or whatever people threaten to do nowadays).

Jess- That's a really funny suggestion. The only problem is, I wouldn't want anybody else looking at my disgustingly dirty glasses and thinking I'm some gross homeless guy who can't keep himself clean.

12:35 PM  

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