Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy Un-Valentine's Day

I purposefully didn't write a post concerning Valentine's Day yesterday, because the vast majority of the blogosphere was already concerned with the fact that they were alone. I took the liberty of researching some blogs (and when I say "research," I mean I kept clicking on the "next" button and reading the top post on the blog), and you know what I found out? Bloggers are lonely people. Maybe they spend too much of their time sitting in front of a computer to actually go out and get a Valentine. Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't have a Valentine either. I simply chose to wait until today to tell the world about it. I read all kinds of posts about how bad being alone on Valentine's Day sucked. "Oh, the guy that I like didn't say anything to me, even though I clearly told him I was interested by asking him to pass the ketchup in the cafeteria. God help me. I'm a blimp! No one loves me or even cares. I'm going to kill myself!" Why don't you do it already and stop bothering me about it? Grow up. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected in one way or another by the tsunami in the Pacific. If you could pull yourself together long enough to watch the news, you wouldn't feel so bad about your daddy cancelling your credit cards.


Blogger John said...

A wise perspective, indeed. Seems that you propose a quality measuring stick against which to measure the "problems" of here and now.

3:29 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Andrew, if you have not read my blog concerning valentine's day, you should. I was not so much bothered by not having someone special, but more annoyed by all of the people who did. And I was looking for a way to cheer myself up. It didn't exactly work out as planned, but I'm still trying.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I'll be sure to read it. I wasn't really ripping on any of the blogs I read regularly, just those random ones you get when you keep clicking the "next" button.

7:06 PM  

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