Friday, February 11, 2005

Societal Rules

Every society has certain unspoken rules that may not be rooted in any sort of morality or ethics, but are important nonetheless. People who break these rules don't receive any real punishment beyond scowls and glares from other people. I don't like that. I think we should be allowed to conduct on-sight polls and vote on whether or not that person should receive a blow to the head. My example is most commonly seen in movie theaters, but most college students will have seen this in a lecture hall at one time. People sit on one side or the other of a row, then, when they have to leave the room, they cross the row THE LONG WAY and get all pissd at you when you refuse to move your feet or stand up. I'm not getting up for someone who apparently lacks the ability to measure and evaluate distances of less than twenty feet. There was one guy who actually grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled me toward him and yelled in my face, "Did you just try to trip me?!" I was 14 at the time, so I didn't have the presence of mind to get back into his hostile little face or scream "Rape!" so I just said "No, sir." in my most sincere sounding little kid voice. I should have told someone that this blowhard thought he could get away with accosting a minor, but I was too scared. If we had the voting system, that man would forever more think twice about being a jackass in front of his kids. There should be other rules, too. Walking down the left side of the aisle in a supermarket: no good. This isn't England, people. We do everything on the right side. You want to be a rebel, do it at home in your halls. Not taking credit cards at fast food places: we should be allowed to castrate a worker of our choice. This is 2005. Most people don't even carry cash anymore. What, do you think you're special or something? The rules of civilization don't apply to you? Get a credit card machine, idiot. I'm sure there are more things people do that they really shouldn't, but I can't think of them right now.


Blogger mujayami said...

Hi Andrew. I have been away for awhile, but I just caught up on all your posts. I also responded to your post on my blog. :)

1:05 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

That's an excellent one. I think there are certain types of clothing that should require certification before wearing. If you don't have a license to wear that skirt, well, it's a slap on the head for you.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

As a huge baseball fan, I've often thought that it should be required that everyone take a general baseball knowledge test before being admitted to a professional baseball game. I get so annoyed at the dumbass people sitting around me that think they know everything about baseball when in fact they know nothing. And all teenaged girls should be kept out of them permanently unless it is my little sister because she actually knows the game.

8:07 PM  

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