Thursday, February 10, 2005

It's Not An Opinion

There are plenty of idiots walking around, but only the dangerously stupid ones make the mistake I saw today. My professor was droning on and on about something or other and happened to mention a SCIENTIFIC FACT that had been repeatedly proven in innumerable experiments (I don't remember what it was, but it's not important), and this girl in the class started off her personal little spiel by saying, "You know, I think I agree with that." Oh really, you drooling idiot?! And where did you get this magical "agreement" to something that can't be disputed? That's the same as saying, "The sky is blue" and receiving the response, "I think that's actually right. I totally agree with that idea." It took all of my willpower not to throw my shoe at her head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I always wonder who these people's parents are. There are two examples from my classes that come readily to mind. (Take these descriptions to mean exactly what I say they mean. Nothing will be exaggerated) Bowlcut peach fuzz mustache saggy man breast dude with the tapered blue jeans tucked into snowboots. Whenever he said something in my biology class I swear it started with "Uh, actually..." All he did was argue with a biology professor with his docterate over minute details. The other person: I look like I'm a 49 year old housewife with the completely tapered blue jeans glasses the size of plates hair permed just like every middle age teacher you've ever had owns every cardigan ever made and I stutter while constantly interrupting the professor with "oh w w w wow" comments girl. Each one of her sentences started with "I wo.. woo.. woo.. would su.. su... suggest..." And I'm terrified because I just know that their parents must have been just like them and actually found each other and had sex. Then I realize that these two must be cosmically drawn together to produce another generation of severely messed up people.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Chris Emlyn said...

In one general ed class I had to take to fulfill some requirement, there was a girl who was completely incapable of "reading" other people. One day she asked a question after every sentence the professor spoke (and her questions were pointless and really stupid), and basically tried to carry on a conversation with him while he was lecturing. This professor generally had a pretty crabby demeanor, which should have given her a clue; but when he started rolling his eyes and loudly growling in frustration every time she started talking again, she really should have taken a hint. She went on for a couple minutes, and it got to the point where one could literally feel the entire room cringe every time she opened her mouth out of anticipation of what the professor would do. Finally, he very bluntly told her basically to just shut up and let him teach. Her response was a shocked: "All right...Whoa!" It really is amazing how clueless people can be. He must have scared her though, because she didn't ask another question until the next week.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

I bowled a 146 in my bowling class today.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Wow. That's good. I've only bowled better than 146 three times in my life.

9:59 PM  

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