Monday, February 07, 2005


Do you remember kickball? You know, that cross between baseball and soccer but worlds better than both? When I was a little kid, around second grade I think, we played kickball every day. Sometimes twice and three times, depending on the recess schedule for the day. We all had those awesome pump-up shoes that had the little bubble on the tongue, and we KNEW that pumping that bubble a certain number of times would give us the best kick EVER. You know, a little extra cushion, er... something like that. I miss those days. One thing I used to fantasize about was if there ever were a "Kickball World Series," my friends and I would beat the living hell out of any other wannabe team that crossed our path. I thought it would be so awesome if we could ever find out where this mythical, magical world series would be. Then, we'd get in and win, with an incredibly tense last-minute grand slam by yours truly. Oh, it would be sweet. Elementary school was great for that reason. We could do whatever we could imagine. Sometimes, that wasn't such a good thing, like the time I kicked that one kid in the neck. He was pissing me off by, like, "looking at me funny," or something like that. So, I argued with him about whose dad could beat up whom for awhile, then I got fed up and kicked him in the neck. He cried, and I think he actually had to go home. I got sent to the principal's office, but I somehow (and nowadays I really wish I remembered how) talked my way out of it. I think I said something like, "He was tying his shoe, and I tripped over a rock and my foot hit his neck... (now, the magic words) ON ACCIDENT." Whatever it was, it was a terrible excuse, but it just might be that, if it weren't for the gullibility of the principal, I'd be one messed up guy today.


Blogger Jess said...

I somehow always got stuck playing first base in kickball even though I couldn't catch the ball to save my life. It always bounced off my chest or went right through my hands. It was then that I gave up my kickball dreams.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That reminds me of the time in 8th grade Luke thought it would be funny to run up, punch me in the arm, and then run away. After he'd done this 7 or 8 times, I was fed up enough that I watched his reflection in the clock on the wall until he came up the next time, and much to his surprise, I turned around and punched him right in the throat. He cried, and rightfully so - I think I hit him as hard as you can hit someone without causing his windpipe to collapse. I also think he had it coming.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kickball was decent, but what about dodgeball? Didn't you love to watch all the girls huddle in the corner and then nail them right in the head? It was the one time we could hurt the girls without getting in trouble.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I went to a Christian school, so we weren't allowed to hit people in the head. We'd have gotten kicked out of the game. Since I'm so competitive, I chose to play it safe and try to win it. And I did.

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, we went to the same school. They couldn't actually enforce that rule.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I went to elementary school at San Gabriel Christian School and Seattle Christian School. I don't think I still know anybody from either school.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright so I was thinking middle school. Bye the way, when did you start attending CSCS? 6th grade?

1:27 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Yup. 6th grade. I missed out on everything Doug Bray had to offer.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, Doug Bray. Good man. The guy had to give me a spanking once though.

7:53 PM  

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