Sunday, February 27, 2005

Oscars, Baby!

I have to admit, I have a huge soft spot for the Oscars. I don't really care a thing about any of the other awards shows, but I love watching the Academy Awards. The show just finished, I was shocked by the end, because Scorsese didn't get best picture or best director for "The Aviator." Now, I've just got to see "Million Dollar Baby" to find out what all the fuss was about. My favorite moment, by far, was seeing Charlie Kaufman win for best original screenplay. (I told you, Chris!) The part I look forward to every year is the ridiculous little awards like sound editing and sound mixing. What was funny about that this year was the fact that the nominees for sound editing and sound mixing were different. "The Aviator" won for sound mixing, but wasn't even nominated for sound editing. I can just see those pretentious academy bastards now, "You know, the mixing in that movie was great, but the editing sucked balls!" Give me a break. Another funny part is the ludicrous questions these idiots like Star Jones-Reynolds ask the nominees before they go into the building. "If you could name your top three non-human acting influences in reverse aphabetical order, who would they be and why?" "Has playing a real-life figure altered your perceptions of the color blue in any way?" "Are you excited?" "Was there any tension on the set?" "Will you please do mankind a service and shoot me in the face?"


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