Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Sexist Language

We have to write an essay on Plato's Republic in my Philosophy and Society class. My professor gave us a two-page guide on how to write a paper. That's funny. I thought I was in college. She told us about proper essay structure and that "you should make several drafts of your paper." Wow. Thanks for that "outside the box" thinking, you moron. I totally couldn't have thought of that on my own. You've saved my college career. What really pissed me off was that she wrote "Refrain from any sexist use of language." Dang. I was planning on squeezing this little ditty into my paper: "The central problem facing Socrates and his companions is not that justice is difficult to define, but that it is realistically impossible to enforce. And girls are poopheads." Well, forget that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, an honest piece of advice about writing your college essays: avoid "to be" verbs like the plague. Your papers will sound much more active, and your professor will find them much easier to read.
I would also like to say that I truly do appreciate my sexist vocabularly. I've totally rid myself of such terms as woman and female and discovered the benefits of pronouns such as wench and chromosomally disadvantaged.

p.s. take the advice seriously

10:51 PM  
Blogger Jess said...

Once again, this is all your fault for taking a Philosophy and Society class. And all guys are douchebags.

11:26 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

That's impossible.

11:28 AM  

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