Thursday, March 10, 2005

One Of My Many Problems (Ha! This Just Might Be The First Installment In A Series)

It has recently come to my attention that I have the worst fortune in the world. I’ll tell you what I mean. I have this little problem with being attracted to girls who, I’m pretty sure, don’t feel the same way. Now, that happens to everybody, I know. That’s not the weird part. The problem is, a couple times in my life, I’ve found out that the girls actually DID feel the same way, but I didn’t find out about them until after they were “over” me. Now, I’d thought this had only happened twice, but last night, my sister told me about a third time it had happened. (Actually, in the true chronological order, this was the first time it had happened to me.) The other two had happened in middle school, and one was even because of a friend of mine (you know who you are). I liked this one girl with whom I went to school at Seattle Christian Elementary School. Apparently, as my sister puts it, “everyone knew about it.” Well, thanks for only waiting a paltry TEN FREAKING YEARS to tell me! I was floored when I heard that, because I totally thought that girl wanted very little to do with me. (Some of you may find this hard to believe, but I consider myself to be mildly self-deprecating.) I guess I'm just doomed to be attracted to girls at a different time than when (if ever) the feeling is mutual.


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