Saturday, April 09, 2005

Ms Wheelchair

Thank God my parents brought this to my attention. It's the funniest thing you've ever read. Apparently, the title of "Ms Wheelchair Wisconsin" was given to the second runner-up in the pageant because the woman who initially won was caught standing up in a photo. Now, the Ms Wheelchair America pageant people are crazy pissed because Wisconsin has essentially said that there's some sort of limit on the amount of "wheelchair bound-ness" one must have in order to win the pageant. The original winner, Janeal Lee, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, was seen in a recent photo standing up, so the pageant organizers said she wasn't disabled enough and stripped her of her crown. The only problem is, (well, beside the fact that they're simply idiots) since it was a photograph and not a live video clip, they really have no idea if she has the ability to walk. You see, morons, even if a person can stand up, that fact offers no guarantee that he/she can also walk. Guess what, you insensitive jerks; people who can stand perfectly still may very well need a wheelchair to get around. The prize, besides the title, tiara, and sash, was a scooter. I think that makes it even worse, because she'd finally got this awesome new way to get from place to place, and then they took it from her. Before, she didn't really know exactly what she was missing, but now, I bet she's devastated. I mean, that's like giving me a really cool car for a couple weeks, then taking it away and forcing me to use a bike. How "disabled" is "disabled enough?" They're definitely sending the wrong message.


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