Saturday, April 09, 2005

Speed Limits... Psh!

Two days ago, I saw more cops on the road than I think I've ever seen in a single day before. I watched three people get pulled over, and saw four more police motorcycles, all within a three-block radius. It was insane. I was going to see "Sin City" later that day, and I don't live very close to the theater. I'd decided I was going to drive the speed limit the whole way down to the theater. You know what I realized? When you drive the speed limit, you have to add approximately 50% to your ETA. Seriously. I was fully ten minutes later than I normaly would have been, had I driven at a "normal" speed. On my way home, I was fifteen minutes later than usual. I came to the realization that speed limits, and the police who enforce them, really and truly suck. Hey, cops! Why don't you try giving tickets to people who speed through areas that are known for a high occurence of accidents, instead of ticketing people who drive five mph over the speed limit in an area that hasn't had an accident in it since it was built over a year ago? That's not protecting or serving. That's laziness, and society's going down the crapper as a direct result of it. When the antichrist rises, I'm sooo blaming it on a cop.


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