Friday, April 01, 2005

Would You Rather...?

As some of you may know, I can be one twisted individual. I like playing this game called "would you rather" with my family. Basically, you just have to come up with two really horrible things that can happen, and then people have to explain their reasoning for why they picked what they did. Now THAT'S family game night. We were playing this recently, and here are some highlights. I hate mayonnaise. No, seriously, I HATE it. So, my sister asked me this one: "Would you rather eat an entire bag of dog food, then throw it up, then eat it again, or eat an entire jar of mayonnaise?" I totally picked the dog food. That's how much I hate mayonnaise. This is one I asked my brother: "Would you rather make out with an ugly girl or kiss a handsome guy?" For all you guys out there, which would you pick? Here's a really sick one I came up with: "Would you rather gouge out both the eyes of someone you loved or one of your own?" You just might surprise yourself with how selfish you really are when you answer this question: "Would you rather go to heaven knowing everyone in your family will go to hell, or go to hell and somehow guarantee that everyone in your family will go to heaven?" Yeah, I know. I'm sick.


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