Saturday, November 12, 2005

Can We Get A Proofreader?

There was a car in front of me that had a bumper sticker on it that read, and I quote, "...and our flag was still there." I'm not kidding. The people at the bumper sticker factory obviously don't have a crack squad of proofreaders. Well, either that or the proofreaders were just too busy looking for spelling errors, because they felt it was impossible for someone to actually mess up a line from our national anthem.

For those of you who live in blue states, let me explain: the line clearly goes, "...that our flag was still there." You know why? Because the previous few words are "...gave proof through the night..." What gave proof through the night? Why, the rockets' red glare and the bombs bursting in air, of course. Allow me to put it in layman's terms: "The glow of the fires and explosions provided enough light for me to see that the tattered remains of the American flag were still waving." To say "...gave proof through the night and our flag was still there" is to say "I have the IQ of a trashcan full of toenail clippings." Morons.


Blogger MZ said...

Howdy Pete,

Keep up the good work. I agree, most people wondering this planet have their head up their ass. It's hard to see in the dark and it is quite stinky, but many choose to remain blinded and ignorant. Keep shining the light...

Your Homie,


2:47 PM  
Blogger MZ said...

My bad... that is all I have to say.

9:29 PM  

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