Sunday, December 11, 2005

Help Them? Yeah, Right

There's a whole division of the US border patrol whose only job is to help immigrants in trouble. ILLEGAL immigrants. That's right. Yours and my federal tax dollars are going toward a governmental program that gives help to people who are trying to enter our country against the law. We have a few more barriers up on the border now, but all that does is force immigrants to traverse more dangerous areas in the desert. About freakin' time. That's all I have to say about that. Apparently, we're supposed to feel sorry for the people whose only desire is to break our laws. Here's my suggestion: Instead of doing that and looking like we're actually welcoming these human sacks of excrement into our country, we should shoot each and every one of them in the face before they even TRY to cross the border. We should control the Mexican side of the border 5 miles south of the actual border. Then, we should shoot every immigrant we see with a high-powered rifle. What's the Mexican government going to do? Throw tacos at us?


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