Friday, July 28, 2006

The Greatest Television Show Ever

I just finished watching an episode of the single most amazingly entertaining television show in the history of the universe, or maybe even the world. It defies convention, logic, explanation, definition, and possibly even the laws of physics themselves. It is a masterwork of epic proportions, and the fruit of truly brilliant media minds. I am, of course, referring to the SciFi Channel's original reality series, "Who Wants to be a Superhero?" Now, I know what you're thinking: "Andrew has never steered me wrong in the past, but this seems a bit questionable. I think I'll play it safe and stick to watching reruns of Saved by the Bell on the ABC Family Channel." Please, if you really just said that to yourself, I'd like you to do me a favor. Go outside, find a rake, and promptly swallow it. This is the greatest TV show ever conceived by man, and probably other intelligent beings as well. The premise is simple. A bunch of people who make the term "uber-loser" seem complimentary are gathered together by none other than comic book legend Stan Lee and asked to perform your basic superhero-type stunts. You know, like walking a little lost girl to the security office at a shopping center, or changing into their costumes behind a port-o-potty. They have names like Monkey Woman, Iron Enforcer, Tyveculus, and Feedback. These people actually believe they're superheroes. They never break character. Ever. One guy, my favorite so far, actually poses while he's running to the assistance of citizens in need. His name is Major Victory, and I'm pulling for him to win it all. Please, if you feel any sense of obligation to that which has single-handedly raised most of our generation, bad television, then you MUST watch this show. You'll laugh yourself into a coma.


Blogger Hehoff said...

So I couldn't believe Stan didn't cut Monkey Woman. I mean you could totally tell she was lying about not seeing the little girl.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Yeah, that's true, but Nitro G also had the added shame of not having found an adequate changing spot.

9:19 PM  

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