Thursday, August 10, 2006

I May Be Alone On This One...

Is it too much to ask that women on TV be extremely, perhaps even unrealistically, good-looking? Of course not. Men on TV behave nothing like men in real life, so I expect the same disconnect between how women on TV look and how women in real life look. Television broadcasts entertainment that is never taken at face value. Do any of us have an entire live studio audience instead of a fourth wall in our living rooms? No. Do any of us hear music in the background of our everyday lives that perfectly fits with the mood of the moment? I wish. Do any of us win fabulous prizes from Bob "I'm a thousand years old" Barker just for guessing how much a can of pickled beets costs? Only occasionally. The point is that no one expects TV to reflect real life. Even the news doesn't do that. Why should our ho-hum body image of "real" women be any different? I, for one, hate this new movement to get women to be comfortable with how they already look. A lot of them shouldn't.


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