Monday, April 23, 2007

Now I Have To Be Scared Of Asians, Too?

My list of people and groups who scare me just keeps getting longer. I've already got black people, white males, latinos, anyone with tattoos, any girl with her tongue pierced, and brunettes on the list. Now, thanks to Cho Seung Hui, I have to add Asians. Enough is enough.

I miss the good ol' days when everyone was suspicious of everyone. That way, you knew who your were supposed to hate: anyone who wasn't exactly like you. Now, in this increasingly globalized world, we have to let all kinds of weirdos into our country, and then we pretend to be shocked when they flip out and kill 30 people on a college campus.

I'm about *this* close to punching the next Asian I see square in his yellow face.


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