Friday, November 05, 2004

More On Moore

John Deniston brought this to my attention. Michael Moore, that fat, mentally defective, unshaven asswad has done it again. He's written 17 reasons for liberals not to slit their wrists. Cute name, huh? It's just too bad that he was apparently too busy beating off to pictures of John Kerry, Karl Marx, and Benito Mussolini that he didn't have time to realize that he's a complete f*cking idiot and none of his points make any sense. If he could coalesce half the energy he exerts on finding cheetos in his disgusting rolls of fat into a pointed effort in sounding more coherent than racoons having sex underwater, then he might have had a chance in getting three or four real reasons onto his list. Alas, he didn't, and his narcissistic fanboys have to put up with 17 signs that Michael Moore belongs on the short bus at a special school for underprivileged retards who have no control over their bowels. All those men who died in Iraq put their lives on the line just to protect Moore's right to make his own stupidity known. I sincerely thank each and every one of you. We'd be living in fear every day if it weren't for your efforts. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart... and God bless America.

Check it out for yourselves at


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