Thursday, October 28, 2004

Sean Penn Is A Complete And Utter Moron

I recently discovered this letter from Sean Penn to Matt Stone and Trey Parker in response to something Stone said in an interview with Rolling Stone. Matt Stone said that if one does not know what they're talking about, there's no shame in not voting. Take that as you will. I happen to agree with Stone. If you're so stupid that you don't know what the heck you're talking about when it comes to politics, I don't want you voting. My vote is a well-informed decision. I don't want some drooling hippy who can't tell John Kerry from his own ass cancelling out my educated vote. There's no shame in voting if you are a moron. (In this case, don't feel ashamed if you don't vote, Sean. In fact, based on this letter, I'll be surprised if you can dress yourself without help on November 2nd.) The idiocy with which he wrote this letter is mind-boggling. Please keep in mind I did not alter this letter in any way. The gross spelling and grammatical errors are all straight from Penn's pen.

*October 6, 2004

To Trey Parker and Matt Stone,

I remember a cordial hello when you guys were beginning to be famous guys around Hollywood at some party. I remember several times getting a few giggles out of your humor. I remember not being bothered as you traded on my name among others to appear witty, above it all, and likeable to your crowd. I never mind being of service, in satire and silliness.

I do mind when anybody who doesn't have a child, doesn't have a child at war, or isn't or won't be in harm's way themselves, is encouraging that there's "no shame in not voting" "if you don't know what you're talking about" (Mr. Stone) without mentioning the shame of not knowing what your talking about, and encouraging people to know. You guys are talented young guys but alas, primarily young guys. It's all well to joke about me or whomever you choose. Not so well, to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation, and death of innocent people throughout the world. The vote matters to them. No one's ignorance, indcluding a couple of hip cross-dressers, is an excuse.

All best, and a sincere fuck you,

Sean Penn

P.S. Take this as a personal invitation from me to you (you can ask Dennis Miller along for the ride as well) to escort you on a trip, which I took last Christmas. We'll fly to Amman, Jordan and I'll ride with you in a (?) 12 hours through the Sunni Triangle into Fallujah and Baghdad and I'll show you around. When we return, make all the fun you want. *

(This is Andrew again.) By the way, Sean, even Ross from "Friends" knows the difference between "your" and "you're," and he's not even a real person. Come on, Sean. It seems like you're still in character from "I Am Sam." What's the matter, Oscars don't come with a spell-checker?


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