Thursday, January 20, 2005

It's Over. Continuing To Protest Just Makes You Look Stupid.

OK. Today, it's official: Anyone who still has a "Kerry-Edwards" sticker on his car is a complete idiot. You lost. Give it up. "Oh, I'm so mad about the right and just choice for President actually WINNING! I'm going to protest by displaying my stupidity on the back of my car!" That'll show us backwoods, redneck, gun-toting, Jesus-loving, beer-drinking, NASCAR-watching, mullet-sporting klan member hicks a thing or two about "voting for the candidate who DOESN'T have the personality of a head of lettuce." Yeah, you're really putting us in our place by REFUSING TO TAKE A STICKER OFF YOUR CAR. We're really hurt by that. Just hope that we don't simply take it as a sign that Kerry supporters are the laziest people in the country. Careful, or your subtle plan for a "sticker coup detat" may just be mistaken for, you know, "an inability to find the Goof-Off."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen. nuff said


7:34 PM  
Blogger Chris Emlyn said...

That's for sure. They just looked stupid before the election, now they look stupid and delusional.

8:15 PM  
Blogger Bekah said...

I've always been amused at seeing politcal bumper stickers even years old. I've always wondered if maybe the car owners didn't know bumper stickers are removable. Anyway, a Happy Inaguration Day to all!

9:04 PM  

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