Friday, January 14, 2005


I recently saw the 1997 indie horror/sci-fi film, "Cube" and its sequel, "Cube 2: Hypercube." Now, I'm not a fan of sci-fi be any stretch of the imagination, but I thoroughly enjoyed both of these movies. I think I liked the first one better, though. The premise is simple: a group of strangers who have never met before each wake up in a different cubic room, and each room has a door on each of its six sides. None of them has any idea why they have been abducted, or even where this place is. Oh, and one more thing: some of the rooms are rigged with really gruesome, and sometimes quite inventive, death traps. Eventually, they all find each other and decide on a basic plan of escape from the endless cubic rooms. Don't look for great revelations here. The joy is definitely in the journey, not the destination. The sequel starts out pretty much the same way, except this time, the fundamental laws of physics don't even apply in this new "hypercube." Time and gravity are unique to each individual room, and there are a few other surprises. There's a prequel to the first one coming out on DVD this month, called "Cube: Zero," and I hear that one's good, too. If you can find the first one, though, and you're even remotely a fan of sci-fi, then I highly recommend picking it up.


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