Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Man, I love that song. Anyway, moving on...
I am fascinated by human behavior. Even though we are quite aware of our limited imaginations, that doesn't stop us from putting a blatantly "human spin" onto things that are clearly beyond our comprehention. My favorite example of this is heaven. Every single person on Earth has a slightly different view of heaven than everyone else. As a kid, and I'm not making this up, I believed heaven was a giant golden rectangular prism, pretty much like an enormous shoebox floating in orbit around the earth. As a said, everything was gold, except for one side, which was made of glass, or some other heavenly clear substance. The side was clear, so we could look down on Earth and see how everything was working out with all of us gone. Oh, and the best part is, I didn't want to go. Seriously, when I was a child, I wasn't all too thrilled with the prospect of singing to God all day, so I didn't really want to go to heaven when I died. Since then, I've decided something. I firmly believe heaven is its own reward. Let me explain. I don't think there's some sort of "goodie bag" we'll get that makes it worthwhile to be there. The gift is that we're there at all. Just like we need there to be cold and heat, darkness and light, Coke and Pepsi, heaven is good because of the simple fact that it's not hell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is so much more to heaven than just praising God. I think we will work in the kingdom. I also think we will spend eternity exploring the universe. Can you imagine a sing-a-long with 3 billion people? "Neither eye has seen, nor ear heard what I am preparing for you..." Yes, heaven is better than hell. BUt no one really knows. How do you look at God who's infinite light of glory is so bright you could die if you saw it in human form.

One of the reasons God does not describe heaven is people would probably believe in God and then kill themselves to get in.

Muslims believe in heaven having 72 virgins for every man. Doesn't say much for women. Heaven will be a wonderful place of fellowship with other believers. I want to spend a month just with Noah, asking questions about taking 100 years to build an ark. There will be things to do for an eternity.

3:25 PM  

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