Sunday, January 09, 2005

Sometimes I Wish...

...I actually were crazy. That would make a lot of things a whole lot easier to explain.
...I could live life as a different person for one day and keep the knowledge of that experience when I changed back to being me.
...I could stop time like that girl on that awesome 80's sitcom, "Out Of This World."
...I had a unique ability that no one else I know posessed.
...I could finally be done with all this book learnin'.
...I my name was Klaus.
...I had four arms.
...I could interpret dreams.
...I had a literal photographic memory like the great yet troubled inventor Nikola Tesla.
...I could get a glimpse of God's master plan.
...I could speak a dead language.
...I could witness the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
...My dog could talk to me.
...I could show someone exactly what I was thinking with some sort of "mental projector."
...I could fly.
...It could all just be over.
...I could understand women.


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