Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Enough With The Period Epics

I recently saw the trailer for Hollywood's newest offering into the period epic sub-genre. You know what I'm talking about. The modern era of period epics started with Braveheart, then we got Gladiator, all three Lord of the Rings movies, Troy, Alexander, King Arthur, and now Ridley Scott is at it again with his crusade epic, Kingdom of Heaven. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say to the big studios, "Stop putting these things out." Enough is enough, already. They're not even good anymore. From what I hear, the only thing epic about Oliver Stone's bomb, Alexander, was its ability to put audiences to sleep. And King Arthur probably left the real Arthur Pendragon rolling in his grave. These movies suck. Braveheart was good, because it was the first, but now, everything else is just another suction tube on the udders of this cash cow. Plus, you hear the same ridiculous hype surrounding each one. "Best actions scenes EVER." "Most money spent on a single battle sequence EVER." "Breathtaking." "It'll leave you in shock and awe." "Better than sex!" "I think I wet myself." Stuff like that. I'd like to add another one: "Biggest steaming pile of studio turd with little bits of Orlando Bloom EVER." Where's the linguistics department at I-forgot-the-name-but-who-gives-a-crap university when you really do need something banned?


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