Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Most People Pronounce This Word Incorrectly

The word is template. Most people (and when I say most people, I mean an inordinately large group of idiots posing as real people) pronounce this word with a long A sound. You know, tem-plate. This is not only incorrect, it's moronic. It takes a lack of understanding of the basic rules of our language to make such a stupid mistake. Alright, once and for all, the word is pronounced like "templit." That's it. There's no alternate or otherwise less-often-used pronunciation. In fact, let me give you people who say it the wrong way a little tip. That's not the only way to spell it. An equally acceptable spelling for the word is "templet," though it is more commonly used in England. Hopefully that will get all this "plate" nonsense out of your heads for good.


Blogger Chris Emlyn said...

I just heard someone pronounce it like that today, although she said it more as "temp-late" than "tem-plate". I actually never noticed people pronounced it with the long A until I read your post. My pet peeves are when people use the word "comprise" when they should be using "compose", and when they use a plural pronoun with a singular verb (e.g. "a person should give their all" as opposed to "a person should give his all"). Political correctness should not be an excuse for poor grammar.

2:03 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Perhaps a decent compromise is "One should give one's all."

3:26 PM  
Blogger Chris Emlyn said...

Yes, although that gets pretty repetitive if you have to use it in more than one sentence. Saying "his or her" is also at least grammatically correct, although that gets repetitive too.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

True, true. I guess some things are just plain hard to say.

6:35 PM  

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