Thursday, January 06, 2005

So Simple, Yet So Complex

Bowling is, by far, the single greatest experience in the life of a human being. No, seriously. Where else could you see the full gamut of human emotions? You've got your love (people go bowling on first dates sometimes), hate (well, a lot of people hate bowling), happiness (the thrill of victory), sadness (the agony of realizing that the number one substance found in the finger holes is human feces), hunger (I have have nothing funny to write here), uh... fullness. Plus, you get all kinds of people spanning the entire range of knowlege of bowling etiquette. Some don't know that you shouldn't bowl right next to someone else at the same time as that person. Some don't know that you take your ball back to the shelf at the end of your games. There's also the whole "skill" level thing. I put "skill" in parentheses because I honestly believe bowling requires none. Saying "bowling requires skill" is like saying "Elton John is just metro." Right. Anyway, you could sit down and be between a guy who bowls eight nights a week and a group of teenagers who care more about how cool they look with a cigarette in their hands than, you know, winning or lung cancer. That's what's so great about bowling. So much variety every time you go, but so much consistency from you, yourself. Bowling, my friends, is God's gift to man. Mark my words.

PS- That feces thing is totally true. Have fun!


Blogger Averie Joy said...

I can appreciate comedy in any form, whether or not it may be offensive to my [insert some ethnicity, strange hobby, cooking utensil, family member, religion, pet, job, wireless carrier, politics or interest here]. If it makes me laugh, it makes me laugh.
Anyway (step down off soapbox), I go to school at Orange Coast College along with 22,000 other people who probably failed math in high school. I don't think there's anything you can say to make fun of OCC that hasn't already been said...but if you want to make fun of some colleges, I have friends at: Standford, UCLA, USC, UCI, CSULB and Redlands. However, if it wasn't a college you were going for, but really just wanted to make fun of me personally, I can tell you I have a terribly bad habit of biting my nails.
Nice to meet another person with comedic writing talent.

12:28 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

You're right. I don't really have anything to say about OCC. I went to a small university in a town near Pasadena, Azusa Pacific University. Really, thanks for the compliment. Coming from you, it means a lot. I'd like to learn to somehow make money with it, mostly because I don't want to have to get a real job.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Chris! How ya been, buddy? You're in Michigan by now, right? Long time, no... write. How is the seat of academic conservatism treating you?

2:23 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this. There's always a chance a first-timer could beat a pro. That's not the case for football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey.

1:12 PM  

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