Saturday, March 12, 2005

Drunk Dialing

Virgin Mobile recently announced their newest development for the wireless market: number blocking. The basic premise is this: you know you're going to get wasted tonight, so you plan beforehand to block certain numbers from being called from your phone. This is to protect people from the aftereffects of what has come to be known as "drunk dialing." That's when you get hammered and decide you want to call up your ex. Most people, when they're sober, know this is a bad idea, but they somehow seem to forget all the reasons they think it's bad once they've got eight or nine shots of jagermeister in their bellies ("I just wanted you to know I'm soooo over you"). Virgin Mobile saw a need, and rushed to fill it. The only problem is, they didn't really fix any problems. Maybe if they could invent some sort of machine that would completely disable your vocal chords and shut off your car, then we'd have something to talk about...


Blogger Bekah said...

How about manditory installation of breathalizers in cars that people must pass in order to start their engines.

3:12 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I like that idea. The only problem, though, is that each city has its own unique laws governing DUI limits. There'd be no way to enforce it, because most people wouldn't want to take the time to set the appropriate limit for his/her own city, rendering the device impotent.

4:28 PM  

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