Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Guess What... You're Not Funny, Jackass

In class yesterday, there was this guy who came in late. As soon as he sat down, he started making really loud observations; making an idiot of himself, really. You know how pretty much everyone has seen certain movies, so they can make jokes about them without explaining them? "It's from a movie. You know the part where..." Like that. Dumb and Dumber, Zoolander, and Meet the Parents are a few of them. This first-class moron simply loved to point out the obvious when someone made a reference to Meet the Parents. You know how it goes. He laughed, then pointed to the person who made the reference and quietly said, "Hehe... Meet the Parents! Awesome." I wanted to stab him in the neck with my pen. Guess what, doofus, you're anti-funny.It's not funny to hear someone else make a witty reference and then simply try to get attention by saying what movie it was from. That guy actually did that same thing two more times in the course of the class. People like that make me wish unsanctioned euthanasia were legal. By the way, I was wondering about this over spring break: What exactly would one get charged for if one was caught setting someone on fire? Attempted murder? What if you just wanted to scare him?


Blogger Hehoff said...

I think it all depends on what accelerant you use and the victims proximity to a body of water or any other means to extinguish themselves.

5:17 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Hmmm... makes sense.

5:28 PM  

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