Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Now... What Is It You're Addicted To Again?

Here in Colorado, we don't exactly have the sharpest tools in the shed gracing our state with their presence, hence the overwhelming popularity of the Avalanche. Everywhere I go, I see those moronic bumber stickers that say "Avaholic." OK people, I'm officially sick of this. If I were speaking, I'd say this extra slow so I could be sure that everyone listening understands. As is it, you'll just have to trust my word that I'm typing this slowly. When we say that a man is an alcoholic, we mean that he is addicted to alcohol, not alc. The part that goes "...ohol..." is actually part of the root word. When you say that you're an "avaholic," that should mean that you're addicted to avahol. I'm sorry to tell you retards, but there's no such f***ing thing as avahol. Also, before you even ask, there is no such thing as workohol, chocohol, or rage-ahol either (and Kristi, I just read your post, and I wanted to assure that the fact that this coincides with your most recent post is purely coincidental; sorry).


Blogger Kristi said...

Haha! I WAS a bit offended at first...but thanks for the disclaimer. I figure "chocoholic" is a common enough slang term. My bad though. Didn't mean to piss you off. ;) Weird that we had similar topics though. Creepy, man.

2:48 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

ROTGL! Oh man, too bad I missed that. I love it. Do I know you, Bingo? Your profile offers no clues...

1:55 PM  

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