Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Still Got It

I recently saw "Sahara." Not too bad, really. I seemed to like it in spite of itself. A trained monkey could have directed the action scenes better, and the acting made Chad Michael Murray look like Tom Hanks, but it was still fun to watch for some reason. Anyway, there was a joke in there that stuck in my memory, not necessarily because it was funny, but because of the reaction it received in the theater. Let me back up. When you attend a public university, eventually you develop an attitude that everyone around you is a hardcore liberal. Now, that assumption may be completely wrong as soon as you set foot off campus, but for the most part the assumption is completely right, provided you're on campus. I seem to forget just how conservative the Colorado Springs area really is. OK, I told you that to tell you this... In "Sahara," Dirk Pitt says to his good friend Al, "What would you do if you found out you were the worst polluter in the history of mankind?" to which Al replies, "I don't know... run for president?" Although I didn't laugh, I have to admit, I thought the reference was fairly clever. Inaccurate, misguided, and meanspirited, but clever. What I thought was amazing, though, was the utter silence in the audience that followed the joke. There was literally a single man out of about 450 who laughed, and he only laughed once, then he seemed to realize he was alone, and cut it off. We've been tricked into thinking that liberals are EVERYWHERE, and that conservatives are a dying breed. Not so, my friends. You want to know who your real friends are? Easy. Tell a liberal joke.


Blogger Vaughan said...

You could be a half-dead retard and still get that reference. True, people are stupid, but no one in America is that stupid. You can believe what you want. It's just that you'd be wrong.

3:22 PM  
Blogger Bekah said...

People really are that ignorant of politics. I've known thoses who picked locl politicians by which name sounded better.

9:06 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Well, for Jay-Walking, I think the answer's obvious... They're all Californians. Jay's lucky he can find enough people who can speak English. Street Smarts, on the other hand, definitely seeks out stupid people. I saw a recruiter for the show approach my mom (most likely because she's blonde). He asked her a few questions, then told her he didn't need her for the show because she got too many of them right. They're looking for people who get about half the questions right.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

AWESOME! That joke just made my day.

9:45 PM  

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