Wednesday, November 23, 2005

They Grow Up So Fast

My brother seems to have a bit of a problem. Aside from being a closet homosexual, that is. He has a problem with name-calling. Every time someone does something to him, or he hurts himself, or he just feels like hearing his own voice, he calls someone or something a whore. I am not making this up. He called me a whore three times today. I guess he just doesn't realize that some people who may overhear him could actually be offended by things that he says. I don't think the mother of a 5-year-old would much appreciate having her son or daughter subjected to a 14-year-old repeatedly calling both his parents whores. That's the kind of thing you have to write down so you can remember to tell your therapist later.

It's an awkward stage my brother is in right now. He still thinks it's funny to call people names, and yet he's old enough to know some of the "good" ones. Unfortunately for my parents' reputation, he still seems a bit too young to know what tact is. Or creativity. At least come up with a few new ones. I don't really mind being called a whore, but after hearing it 40 or 50 times, I kinda get tired of the lack of originality. Every once in a while, it would be nice for him to mix it up and call me a fag or a buttmunch or something. Just for some frickin' variety. Whore is just so... impersonal.


Blogger Unknown said...

Geez, I know what you mean. My brother's 12 and his preferred insult is usually "gay" or "fag". I guess for variety he's decided to sprinkling everything with swears.

It's pretty annoying.

6:19 PM  
Blogger MZ said...

Yo Pete,

I often fall into a rut with particular words or phrases as well. I have found that any degrading term is usually sufficient. My personal favorites are: fag, whore, queer, fairy, duche, scum-bag, girl, and pretty-boy. I will use other terms, but these are my favorites.

You should check out my blog... This time I am for real. I am going to write all the freakin' time!

Your competition,


(I don't stand a chance.)

1:23 PM  

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