Tuesday, November 09, 2004

How Not To Win An Election

Apparently, John Kerry was a terrible leader as head of his campaign. Word 'round the campfire is that he was so insecure about his decisions that he was constantly on the phone with his commie buddies trying to see if he was doing the right thing. He was on the phone so much that, apparently, he had to have his cell phone taken away... twice. Now, the question on my mind is why didn't that scare anybody? Here he is, taking constant straw polls to see if what he's doing is ok with everybody else because he has the decisive capacity of an eight-year-old at a candy store. No one working on the campaign ever realized that if he cannot lead a team of people who want nothing but for him to win, then he wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of EVER leading the greatest nation on earth? If I were involved in that campaign, I'd tuck tail and run immediately after the first time he had to have his phone taken away like a frickin' 8th grade girl. That's just further proof that the left does not want what is best for America. They were willing to back a man that had to be reprimanded for being on the phone too much. What kind of a leader is that? Oh, I'd also like to personally thank Al Franken, George Soros, Michael Moore, and of course, Theresa Heinz-Kerry. If it weren't for your ultra-left wing idiocy, this might be a very different America. Thanks a lot, you pinko nutballs. We couldn't have done it without you.


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