Saturday, November 20, 2004

Solved: The AIDS Epidemic

I've got a really tidy and efficient solution to this so-called "global epidemic" of AIDS. You want to hear it? Stop having premarital sex. You see? Brilliant! No one has even thought of this ingenius solution, or at least verbalized it. Of course, most people won't consider this option. I am so tired of those ads that try to scare you into caring about the epidemic of AIDS in Africa. They try to tell you that the only solution is to send them money or some crap like that. Would you like to know how AIDS first started in the 80's? Some sick African bastard decided he'd had enough with only having sex with PEOPLE. He branched out into the previously-German-only world of bestiality. That's right, some twisted nutball got a little too friendly with his neighbor's pet BABOON and whamo!... AIDS comes into being. It can't be said enough: AIDS is the direct result of sexual deviancy. All you freaks and weirdos are responsible for those hundreds of thousands of babies in Africa alone who are born with AIDS every year. Stop having premarital sex, and in less than twenty years... gone! There won't be any more AIDS. That's all you've got to do. People who have premarital sex and then complain about AIDS should shut their ignorant cake holes. If you're one of those people, I hate you. Get an education. Oh, and by the way, condoms don't do crap about STDs. Any mongoloid who got a C- or higher in high school chemistry can tell you that latex is far too porous to keep any sort of germs from getting through. If you believe otherwise, you're just kidding yourself. Morons.


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