Monday, November 22, 2004

Stop Trying To Shove Your Homosexuality Down My Throat

Homosexuals make up less than four percent of the population here in the United States, but gays are disproportionately portrayed on television to make it seem like one out of every four boys wants a boyfriend. Not true, you sick bastards. I'll be the first to admit that "Will and Grace" is a hilarious show, but that doesn't make it right. People, listen to me! Left-wing hippy freaks like Susan Sarandon are idiots trying to convince even bigger idiots that gays are like 90% of the world population! Don't buy into it! I don't hate gays, but I DO hate the fact that they're constantly trying to make all us normal people look like the sexual deviants. They're the ones who aren't normal. Heterosexuality is the cornerstone on which the rest of our great society is founded. It doesn't take a village to raise a child, but neither does it take the Village People. If you've got to be gay, just don't do it around me. I carry weapons.


Blogger Jim said...

that goes for me too!!!

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah no kidding. Same goes for me here too.

2:29 PM  

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