Monday, January 17, 2005

Classes: Finally, I Can Get Back To Some Semblance Of Normalcy

I, at the age of 19, have finally realized that I don't like to sit around the house all day anymore. It really did take me this long, but I now realize that I like having a regular schedule like the one I have to go by as a college student. You get up, you sit around for awhile, you go to class and zone out, take a break, go to class and zone out, come home, eat, read, watch TV, watch a movie, and go to bed. That's the kind of minute-by-minute rigid schedule I like. The actual kolledge x-periense is one of the easiest of my life, though. I've even thought about changing to a sociology major, just because I think I could graduate without having to know, "think," or "do any work at all." Stuff like that. Oh, and by the way, happy "celebration of the life and 'tragic' death of a known communist activist who just happened to be black" day (whoops! What I meant was MLK day).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow I was actually glad I didn't get the day off to celebrate this pathetic excuse for a holiday. Dark pigmentation and violent death should not make you a martyr, and it definitely should not get you a holiday.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the post - but have you (andrew) seen the new show "Committed"? The main character on that show reminds me a lot of you...ok, a whole lot.

11:41 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

I've only seen one episode of "Committed," and I don't think that's enough to know whether I should take that as a compliment, an insult, or simply a pointed comment. Unless you're talking about the crippled black guy with a chip on his shoulder larger than most major university campuses. In that case...thank you.

12:38 PM  

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