Tuesday, May 03, 2005

At Last, Some Honesty

I really admire Hanes for going where no major brand has gone before. They've actually resorted to full-on unabashed image marketing, and they aren't apologetic about it in the least. In fact, they seem to have embraced it. Their newest ad campaign features the slogan, "Look who we've got our Hanes on now." That says it all, my friend. So far, I've seen Matthew Perry, Michael Jordan, and Marissa Tomei in Hanes commercials. There's no telling how many more celebrities they've got lined up to just stand there in front of the camera and literally do nothing but lend Hanes their image. If a nonprofit like ONE.ORG can do it, it's a sure bet Hanes can keep up. They don't even specify what Hanes products the celebrities are wearing. Now THAT's image marketing in its purest form. Bravo, Hanes. Bravo. Now, we just need to sit back and see what other major brands follow suit. I can't wait for commercials featuring slogans like, "McDonald's is the place where cool kids go to die," and "Che Guevara drank a liter of Gatorade every day," and "Jesus was buried wearing ADIDAS." Stuff like that.


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