Monday, May 02, 2005


I love playing Monopoly. It's so unrealistic. It's awesome. Playing with my family is especially fun. A few days ago, we played for the first time in quite a while. We had to review the rules, once again, for things like buying houses and auctions. The one thing I love about Monopoly is the fact that every single family in America probably has a different way to play it. It's sort of like spaghetti. (I should explain. I've always said that the major difference between different mothers' cooking is how they make spaghetti. I myself can actually tell a lot about a family based on what the mother's spaghetti tastes like. It's seriously like an unofficial social litmus test.) Some families play according to the description of the free parking space: you get nothing when you land on it. Other families play with the free parking space as a jackpot, with all the fines from the game so far going into the pot in the middle of the board. One thing I think is really cool about Monopoly is all the outside deals you can make. "I'll give you Marvin Gardens if you promise not to charge me rent for the next five times I land on your properties." "I'll trade you this 'get out of jail free' card and a hundred bucks for immunity on all your properties with houses on them." That's just plain fun. It's really funny, though, to see someone trying desperately to trade with some other person who doesn't want to trade anything. I saw that first hand when we played a few nights ago. *poking the person constantly* "Hey... hey... hey... hey... hey... hey... give me some money for this." "No! For the last time, I don't want the waterworks! Stop bothering me!" Cheating is also really fun in Monopoly. (Oh, right, like you've never taken advantage of being the banker. You can't judge me until you've taken the huge stack of 500's out of your own eye.) It's not like other games, where you feel really cheap and guilty, you know, like chess or taxes. I highly recommend playing Monopoly with your family. Right now. Go!


Blogger Hehoff said...

What would your litmus test tell you about a family that hasn't played Monopoly since they were too old to play the children's version? Heck, what would it say about a family that hasn't eaten dinner together since then?

12:35 PM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Geoff- The litmus test is spaghetti, not Monopoly.

Bingo- That's what makes it so GREAT.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

A) you can't judge my family based on spaghetti since we never eat together B) you said that Monopoly was "like" spaghetti in that every family has a different way of doing it, thus it should also hold true as a litmus test

1:07 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

Ah, Geoff.

A) Yes I could, because I'd be able to tell that from your mom's spaghetti.

B) Sure, every family does play it differently. Spaghetti is MY litmus test, and it's only a litmus test FOR ME. There are thousands of things that every family does differently. Spaghetti just happens to be the one that I'm able to use to "read" a family.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Hehoff said...

Alright, the closest thing we get to spaghetti is microwaveable pasta dinners.

8:02 PM  

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