Monday, May 16, 2005


Last night, I walked into my room and, for the first time, I smelled summer. I don't know what it is. Whether it's the smell of grilled meat, clear air, freshly cut grass, or just whatever's on the roof of my house, I love it. I love everything about summer in Colorado. It can get really nice during the day, and it always cools down as soon as the sun goes down. Summer rocks. I love hanging out with my friends, not having to bring a heavy coat or the four-wheel-drive car whenever I go somewhere, barbequing, playing kickball, etc... It's all good. Then, you've got the fourth of July. Fireworks, parades, barbeque. 'Nuff said. The best part about the fourth of July is the fact that you don't have to get anybody presents. No gifts of any kind. It's all just eating and watching fireworks. Suh-weet.


Blogger Hehoff said...

Dude, the freaking Fourth of July is my birthday. Everybody has to get me presents. If they don't, I gently remove their hearts and barbeque them for dinner.

1:52 AM  
Blogger Vaughan said...

See? There's something for EVERYONE on the fourth of July.

10:39 AM  

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